"One day at a time--this is enough. Do not look back and grieve over the past for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful it will be worth remembering."

Ida Scott Taylor

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Giving Thanks Through Our Life Song

There is a very old hymn my grandma used to sing called "Count Your Blessings" (name them one by one)  I loved that simple hymn as a child because it was fun to sing and it made me happy.  I believe I related this song, as a small child, to the happiness I saw on everyone's faces, as they smiled when they sang it. It's difficult to sing this song with joy unless the meaning of it rings true in your heart. We all have our ups and downs, trials and burdens to bear, but I am so thankful that my Lord is walking beside me and guiding me through it all, no matter what!  When I take the time to count my blessings and praise Him, the trials I'm enduring seem smaller. 

"I will praise God's name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving."
Psalm 69:30

I am so grateful to my Lord,  for all He has blessed me with. I can honestly say that I am even thankful for past trials. Those trials brought me closer to Him  and He molded my character through them to be  just a bit closer to looking like the vessel He created me to be. 

Dear Lord,
May the words I say and the things I do, make my life song sing to YOU...

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with those you love.  I won't be posting again until the weekend because we will be lovin on our grandbabies and children who have traveled from afar to spend time with us.

Count your blessings, and name them one by one.

Saturday, November 21, 2009


 I've come back to this post today (1-10-2010) so I can link it up to Donna's Saturday Night Special.  Thank you Donna for hosting this. I hope you enjoy my project below.  I bought the child's table already painted white and then used acrylics to paint the top and personalize it.
Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special

It is once again time for   "SHOW SOME CREATIVITY SATURDAY" post. Please join me if you'd like and link to this post so we can all come and see what you've created.  Oh and as always, I  love to read the comments you leave for me.

       " All who are skilled among you are to come and make everything the Lord has commanded."                Exodus 35:10

 This week I've decided to show you something I painted on a piece of furniture.  This is a child's tabletop that I painted for my granddaughter.   It was soooo fun personalizing this piece for such a special little girl named Ella Marie! Just perfect for tea parties!

Would anyone care to have a tea party?

Friday, November 20, 2009

I'm Taking The Challenge

I have decided to take the "37 Days of Kindness" challenge given by Lysa Terkeurst.  Check out the details at Lysa's blog post here:

The challenge began Wednesday, which was 37 days before Christmas. Would you like to follow me in joining Lysa as we show kindness to at least one person each day and then give this 37 day gift to Jesus on his birthday? During this season, we can get so busy with the hustle and bustle of shopping and everything else.  I know this challenge will make me more aware of others on a daily basis that I come in contact with that may need encouraged either with my words, or through serving them in some way etc... 

This challenge will be fun and I can't wait to hear what kind of gifts you give to Jesus on his birthday.

"Follow the way of love."
1 Corinthians 14:1

Don't forget to check out Lysa's blog post.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Our Family Autumn Album

I am so excited that both of our daughters and families will be able to travel home for Thanksgiving.   It is just one week away and I can't wait! 

I love my family!!!!!

Click to play this Smilebox slideshow: Autumn Family Album
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Blessings to you,

Monday, November 16, 2009

Monday's Unexpected Beauty

You know how tired you can be on Monday mornings and sometimes feel you have to drag yourself out of bed after a busy weekend?  Plus, it was a dreary, rainy day outside this morning and no sunshine to perk me up. The urge to drink coffee in the mornings has never been for me. (oh, but I do love chai, just not first thing in the a.m.)

 Before getting out of bed, I thanked God for the day he had given to me and asked Him to guide and use me.  As I looked out of the kitchen window, I saw such a beautiful sight! In the lilac bush were 2 big and gorgeous blue jays plus a beautiful crimson colored cardinal. It was as if they were playing a game with one another, hopping from one branch to the next. It made me realize that we don't need everything to be perfect in order for our day to be colorful!!  Sometimes I think it all has to be perfect first, but it doesn't. Simply being that special person God created us to be and being thankful for who we are in Him, is all we need in order to shine in a dreary world. I believe God placed those beautiful birds in that tree just for me this morning.  I think He put them there to simply say "Hi LeeAnn. I am looking forward to our day together and it's going to be glorious!"

"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.  
Are you not much more valuable then they?"
Matthew 6:26

 May your day be a tweedledee, tweedy tweet tweet kind of day!


Saturday, November 14, 2009


As promised, I am once again posting my new theme for Saturdays....

My very first watercolor using the palette like the one you take to elementary school. It is a simple sketch, but I was pleased that it actually looked like a dainty flower daisy when I was all finished! (2001)

I encourage you to bring your creations out,  from in hiding, and share them with us. Remember to show whatever you create. It does not have to be a painting. I'm not sure how to do the link up thing yet,  but if you know how (I would appreciate any pointers) please link up to my blog or mention my blog name and then go back and post about it with a picture of your creation- plus leave me a comment-  I will be so delighted and encouraged! God has given us this talent so lets honor him, with letting what He put in us, SHINE through.

"I'm thanking you, God, from a full heart. I'm writing the book on your wonders."

Psalm 9:1 (MSG)


 I've put the creative side of me out there, and I'm anxiously waiting to see yours next.

Can't wait to see you SHINE,

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Thankful Thursday at Truth 4 the Journey

It is once again time for Thankful Thursday! If you would like to participate, hop on over to Sonya's blog at truth4thejourney.blogspot.com/, where you can get all the details and grab her button.

1.  I am thankful that God blessed me with my new job as a Instructional Teacher Assistant at our local elementary school last week.  Love the teachers, love working with the students and I love the hours!!!!!  God answered my prayer and gave me a job with the hours that will still allow me to pursue some of my other dreams and  also time in the summer to travel and see my grandchildren, daughter and family in another state! HE is so good to me!

2.  I am soooooo thankful for my family!!! Soooooo thankful!

3. Thankful that my husband Scott is feeling better. We aren't sure if he had food poisoning or the flu bug a few days ago, but he was really sick.  Thankful that it came and went quickly. 

4.  Thankful for the beautiful weather we are having here in Indiana and the gorgeous fall colors that remind me that we serve an Awesome Creator!!

 5.  Thankful that God gave me the courage this week to come out from in hiding with my artwork.  I shared it on my blog, hoping to inspire others to use their God-given talents and also to thank God for what He has created in me to do as praise to Him instead of hiding out in my perfectionism. I'm thankful for my friends and family (and blogging friends) who have encouraged me to show my creative side. 

Blessings to you from one very blessed chic, 

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

In the Race for the Win

Hi to all of my blogging buddies out there and to the newcomers that pop in for a visit.  Just wanted to give you something to encourage you today as you go out and run your race! Whatever it is you are facing, you can be sure that you have the Lord by your side clearing the way for you.  Just keep on keepin on no matter what and know this:

"Slow and steady wins the race."

"The Hare and the Tortoise" 


" Consider it pure joy, my brethren, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.
Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."

James 1:2-4

Together we will see the finish line.

I have my team t-shirt on,

Saturday, November 7, 2009


One of my very first fun watercolor paintings. Since painting this picture, I have painted a couple more of these in a baby nursery for friends.


Even as a little girl, I loved being creative and I continue to love it. I  especially enjoy watercolor painting and using acrylics.  It's one of those talents that I have been shy about sharing with to many people. You know, because of worrying about what others may think of it, or because I myself don't think it is perfect enough.  Instead I should be using the talent God has given me to honor HIM and to practice it for the joy it brings into my own life. 

So...... I have decided......

on Saturdays to start sharing with you, my blogging friends, another part of myself, and in turn I hope this will encourage more of you shy artists at heart and in the making, to get brave and share your creations too. I would love it if  you would link to my blog and share something creative on your own post and then come back and leave me a comment about it. It doesn't have to be a painting. It can be any creation.

" Whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God."

1 Corinthians 10:31b

"There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you
it's going to be a butterfly."

Buckminister Fuller


Let your wings soar,


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Living With Gusto!

I am back from my week long trip to Pennsylvania where I spent a wonderful time with my daughter, son-in-law and precious grandchildren. Below are some of my favorite pictures I want to share with you.

My granddaughter, Ella and I in the pile of leaves.  Even with an injured knee, I couldn't say NO to this sweet and excited face when she asked the question, "grandma will you play in the leaves with me?"  There was just no way I was going to pass up making this memory with my granddaughter!  Not a chance!

And here is my adorable and handsome grandson, Ezra! One of my daughter's friends named Julie took this wonderful picture.  Isn't it just beautiful!! And those sweet rosy cheeks of his were soooooo kissable! For some reason every time grandma came around the corner to where he could see me, he would let out the cutest giggle you ever did hear!  I loved it!!!

After being with my beautiful daughter and family, I am ready to live life with gusto again.  I just needed my heartstrings Family-Fix first!  Being around my granddaughter who has such a vivid imagination (3 yrs old), I could'nt help but catch her exuberance for life attitude.  We adults often forget how to enjoy the small things in life that happen throughout our day and are cause for celebrations. Why do we do that?  Why do we forget how to find joy in simple everyday things?  Well, I hope you will join me this week in renewing that greatfulness and joy for life. Make a blessings list, and be a kid again. Try this while you are in the bathroom:  do a commercial for fun in front of the mirror and laugh at yourself afterwards, or spend some time with a child so you can let loose of your "adults don't do that" thinking.  Just have some fun.  I guarantee that in your presence, others will be smiling and maybe even laughing at life again because of your contagious spirit.

I recently read a story about Stan Toler, who grew up with his father reminding him to go out in his everyday life and live it as if

I just love that word picture!  I can just see in my imagination a painting by Norman Rockwell, of a skinny and awkward looking boy, standing on his tippy toes, singing at the top of his lungs, with the expression on his face being that of pure JOY.  I hope you will join me this week in going out and living life on the tips of your toes and singing it with gusto! And if you do, sharing it with me in a comment would just make my day extra special! I might even do a cartwheel- ha! Okay, maybe not a cartwheel, but I'll be standing on my tippy toes and singing a song just for YOU!!   
