"One day at a time--this is enough. Do not look back and grieve over the past for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful it will be worth remembering."

Ida Scott Taylor

Monday, December 16, 2013

Making Family Memories

Christmas Time 
is such
 a very special time.
I look forward to celebrating Christ's birth
 and making new and wonderful
family memories every year.

This past weekend,
 our oldest daughter and family
from Pennsylvania, came to stay with us
and the kiddos did some
 Christmas Cookie Decorating
with grandma (me!)

They had so much fun getting to decorate them 
in their own artsy ways. 
 It made me so happy hearing them
tell each other to look at
 the other's masterpiece cookie designs, 
as they went along.
There is nothing more rewarding then
seeing children's faces and eyes
light up when they are happy
 and proud of their own accomplishments!

I thought this process out well
 telling the kiddos
(ages 4 and 7)
that it was time to come to the kitchen
 to begin the cookie decorating fun.

Before hand, 
(while they were watching a fun Disney movie),
 I cut out the cookies, baked and iced them.
Next I set up a card table in the kitchen
 with two spots
 made especially for them and
put all of the decorating items in the middle
of them.
Next I divided up the cookies
 so they each had the same
amount and shapes.

I called them in and said,

The bath tub was next for each of them! ha ha

Sunday they were off on their way again
back to their home in Pennsylvania.

We could not work it out this year where 
all of our family could be here together 
at the same time.  So the next best
thing is two weekends of fun.
Our youngest daughter, Jaymie and family 
from Michigan will be
coming to stay with us next weekend.

We are very blessed!

So what fun things do you plan 
to do during this Christmas season?
Would love for you to share
by leaving a little comment for me.

May the joy and peace
of His special love
be real and dear to your heart
now and throughout this coming year.

Hugs and Blessings,

1000 Gifts/Thanksgiving List continued.........

770. the joy of giving
771. special and precious times with family 
772. McAlister's yummy tea when you are Christmas shopping
773. my special siblings
774. counting my blessings instead of disappointments and trials
775. the joy in a child's eyes when they love something they are doing or given
our granddaughter with her new doll
she received for Christmas from  us

Thursday, November 28, 2013

May Your Blessings Be Many


Happy Thanksgiving 
 to all of my 
wonderful blogging friends! May your thanksgiving blessings be many!
And may you continue to
count them one by one 
each and every day.

You are on my 
thanksgiving list.
Your friendship is a 
beautiful blessing
to me.
Thank Y♥U


Friday, October 11, 2013

A Gift in the Ordinary

It is once again time to link up
She posts a topic word and only one word. 
You are
to write for 5 minutes without stopping or editing 
 and then post. 
This is good for me because it is helping me
to get out of my  "what do I write for a blog-post" stuck place
that I've been in lately.
 the one word is


an art journal page I created a few yrs. ago while reading "So Long Insecurity"
by Beth Moore....see my original post with more about the book here.

GO...... ...............................................................................................................
So what is ordinary anyway?
That is a difficult question, because most people
see themselves as ordinary when they are really so much more. 

It is just such a joy for me to find something
or someone that others think, or they themselves think are
ordinary and prove them wrong!
I love bringing out, through my own view the 
beautiful and unseen things that others may miss. So often
its the most basic and simple things or person who
have those hidden extraordinary gifts 
that the world needs to see.
It brings me such pleasure when I can bring my 
extraordinary find out in the open and show the
world and also encourage someone
 who has no idea how special he or she really is.

(my oh my how time flies)

I am so thankful for those people that I call, my ANGELS in life,
who have seen in me things that I didn't see and encouraged
me to embrace them, let them shine and to no longer hide them.

How about you?  Do you have some angels in your life who 
encourage you to bring out the extraordinary that has
been inside of you all along?
Well, if you don't, and of course I'm no angel, but let 
me be the first one to tell you  how very special
you are. 


I used to think I had to do something enormously
great to be called extraordinary. But the truth is, we were
created extraordinary from the beginning.
Striving to be extraordinary isn't the key.
We must base our sense of value on what God, our
creator says about us.

Eph 2:10
"You are God's masterpiece."

"Do you realize a masterpiece is not mass-produced?
You didn't come off an assembly line.  You're not average.
You're not ordinary.  You've been custom-made.
God created you in His very own image. He looks past all
those other things and He looks right at you and says,
"There's my masterpiece.  That's my son.  That's my daughter.
That's what brings the most joy to my heart."
~Joel Osteen 

Doesn't that just make you feel wonderful?

I hope so!
Keep feeling that way and believe it
 always to be true!
Now go be beautiful Y♥U.


Friday, October 4, 2013

Write it Down Upon Your Heart

I'm joining in for the first time in the
 Five Minute Friday blog posts, 
 hosted by Lisa Jo Baker.  
She posts a topic word and only one word. You are
to write for 5 minutes without stopping or editing (oh that is scary) 
 and then post.
Today the one word is

What would I do 
without my sweet pen and paper? 
 I love to write....I must write...It's a part of me,
 the person I was created to 
be from the beginning.

My time to journal is a sacred time for me.
  It has saved my life many times
 by listening to me ramble on and on about
the good times and the heartfelt hurtful times.

Writing helps me get it all out so I can 
leave my troubles on  paper
and enjoy the following wonderful moments 
that are waiting  next.

  It has helped me to LOVE myself more,
because later,
 after reading what I've written, 
I am so many times amazed
 "that I wrote that"!

Writing has been
 and will continue to be a "MUST" 
in my life.
It helps me to BREATHE in 
more of the beautiful things in this life 
that I've been given.

Thank You  God
 for putting the writing heart
 in my soul. ♥

(has it been 5 minutes already!)

So here is some encouragement quotes I thought
I would leave with you for today.

"Treat yourself to a little adventure.
Do something that's totally new for you."
Cheryl Hawkinson

“Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might” 
Ecclesiastes 9:10 

Hope you are having a wonderful week 
and please know that I am 
for each of Y♥U.
Thank you for stopping by to see me.

Friday, September 20, 2013

With Color Comes Changes

It's end of summer, and fall will begin
in just a few days.
On a recent walk,
 I started off with the intention
of looking for ways of seeing 
how God's beautiful nature was changing.
The colors were endless! 
Here is a collage of a few photos I captured:

Just like in nature, I have to remind myself 
to be intentional 
about watching for beauty and blessings
when change is upon me.
It's easy to be comfortable and want to stay 
right where you are, 
when you are at peace in that place.

Sometimes we stay because we love it there.
And sometimes we may stay 
in that place 
because we have settled out of fear. 
A place where
 there are no new challenges
 we must face.
But either way of running from change
 leads to us missing out on
all of the beauty God has planned
 for our lives and our future.

Change brings newness and
 just like in nature and it's seasons,
we may have to wait for the beauty to show itself sometimes, 
by waiting through some drought 
or not so sunny of times in our lives first. 
But God's plans for me and you ahead, 
are so worth 
the wait and time that it takes for change.

“There is no panic in Heaven! 
God has no problems, only plans.”
~Corrie ten Boom

In my own life right now,
I can see where there are a few areas I have settled in.
Mostly because of being afraid
 of stepping right or left in fear I will 
make the wrong move. 
Also trying to give myself some grace
after having a major surgery 9 months ago.
Sometimes for change to take place there 
has to  also be a time of rest so we 
can replenish for the great plans to come.

How about you?  
Have you been in this place of settling or
 afraid of change before?

Wishing you my friends, 
 a Color filled week.

1000 Gifts Thanksgiving List continued:

745. Our wonderful grandchildren
746. Our granddaughter Ella, mailing me a bracelet she made for me! Beautiful!
747. Our  grandson Ezra, asking Jesus to live in his heart.
748. A great weekend spent with our family in Michigan and helping them move.
749. The freedoms we have living in America
750. The wonderful parents our daughters and son-in-laws are.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Hi Beautiful You!

I hope you know what a difference Y♥U 
make in this world.
There is no one else created just like you.
You are special in every way.

(my newly created art journal covers)

        Psalm 139:1-4 (The Voice Translation)
" You have explored my heart and know exactly who I am; You even know the small details like when I take a seat and when I stand up again.    Even when I am far away, You know what I’m thinking. You observe my wanderings and my sleeping, my waking and my dreaming,    and You know everything I do in more detail than even I know. You know what I’m going to say long before I say it."

        Psalm 139:13-14
 For You shaped me, inside and out.    You knitted me together in my mother’s womb long before I took my first breath. I will offer You my grateful heart, for I am Your unique creation, filled with wonder and awe.    You have approached even the smallest details with excellence;    Your works are wonderful;

Sometimes, I think we don't step out
 and use our gifts
and talents or take one step in the direction of
our heart's dream,  because of feeling
we aren't good enough, or don't deserve it etc....
We were each created so uniquely and special.
Please don't believe the lie, that you
don't have something special
 to offer in this world.

Be brave and do at least
 one thing today that you love.

...And remember...
Don't compare yourself to someone else 
and what they do 
and then decide not to share who you are. 

No one else is created just like you and
 no one else can take your place.
There is only one like you snowflake!


Saturday, May 18, 2013

Finally Inspired Again

Hello everyone! 
 I am so glad this is the season
 we get to enjoy
flowers blooming again.

I recently bought two beautiful and
 very large ceramic flowerpots at Walmart,
and couldn't wait to get them home so I could
 fill them with 
colorful blooms and vines.
I love the colors of blue and fuchsia together.  
It is probably my favorite flower potting combination.

This all inspired me to create
in watercolor last evening and paint
some more watercolor flowerpots designs
for note card sets
 to put in my Etsy shop.

Don't ya love it when you get inspired?
It's been a long time coming for me 
and I needed to 
get "artsy inspired" again.
It feels good!

“The flower that blooms
in adversity is the most rare
and BEAUTIFUL of all.”

Walt Disney Movie - Mulan

I'm trying my hand at succulents on 
my kitchen windowsill this year.
We shall see if I can keep them alive!

I do hope you are all having 
 wonderful weekend!

Pleas remember, no matter 
what you are going through,
and God has a special plan all
in place for you.
Just keep looking up
and believing.

Hugs from me,

Saturday, May 11, 2013

A Beautiful HEART

I hope all of you mother's out there have a
very special Mother's Day tomorrow.

Mother's Day has always been a
bittersweet day for me in some 

I love being a mother
 to our beautiful inside and out
daughters, Jessica and Jaymie, who are 
now adult mothers themselves.
What a blessing God bestowed upon me to be given the blessing of being their momma.

They live states away from us now, 
so although I won't 
get to hug them in person and spend time with them tomorrow, 
they are forever a part of my HEART
 and I'm sending them my  hugs and kisses.

My own mother passed away 19 years ago,
 the day after my 39th birthday.

-my mother and father holding little ole' me-

My mother had the most beautiful smile
 and a kind heart.
When I was a little bitty girl, she would sing 
and do little dance moves as 
she cleaned the house. 
 I do remember how this would make me giggle
 and would put a smile in my heart.
I knew she loved me.

But in her mid-twenties, she developed a
mental illness disorder that changed her life in many ways.
I tear up now just thinking about the pain she endured and how the illness 
took her farther away from us.

 Doctors know so much more about this illness now and how to treat it, than 
they knew back then.
Families had very little knowledge
 and support on how
 to live with and  help their loved one through
 this illness at that time. 

mom and me (1957)

On Mother's Day especially, 
I always think
about the special things I remember about my mom, but
also wish I could have known her more 
on a deeper mother/daughter level
that the illness masked from
all it could have been.
I'm so thankful for the time I did have
and for the times over the years
where the illness mask would
come down for a time
and her beautiful HEART 
would always shine through.

One day I will see her again in heaven
as the momma I remember, 
singing and dancing as she made me giggle.

Me, my 2 sisters and brother.
I'm the oldest in the back
with the too tight of a curly home permanent
my grandma gave me!

I don't know your mother story,
but I do know this....
whatever it is, be it wonderful, strained
or fair...that God can take
it, yes...all of it, and teach you good things
that will make you a better mother yourself. 
 He will use your life experiences,
 ( the good and  painful)
 to make you the person you are, the one
you want to be, when
you choose to allow him to help you.
I couldn't do it without him.

Love and Hugs,

1000 Thanksgiving Gifts continued.......

688. seeing yellow finches at my new birdie feeder
689. $10.00 off my new sandals
690. celebrating 37 years anniversary with my hubby
691. wonderful time with our grandchildren recently
692. the fragrant smell from our blooming lilac bushes 
693. the special blessing of being Jessica and Jaymie's momma