"One day at a time--this is enough. Do not look back and grieve over the past for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful it will be worth remembering."

Ida Scott Taylor

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Today is the Day to Laugh!

Two quotes for today that we all need.  Go out and just plain ENJOY your day!

"Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves for they shall never cease to be amused!"


"Swallowing your pride seldom leads to indigestion!"


Sunday, September 27, 2009

Be Careful Little Eyes What You See

As I was taking my walk today, I heard a song on the radio called "Be Careful Little Eyes What You See"  by Casting Crowns.  (I've posted the YouTube video at bottom of post if you want to hear it)


This song made me think about how we are an example to someone, no matter what season of life we find ourselves in.  Someone is always watching you and I, whether it be a son or daughter, little sister or brother, a bystander searching for the joy they see in us or the person driving the car that we just passed and honked at in a moment of anger, because we thought they were going too s-l-o-w. (Ouch!)
Like it or not, we are examples to someone.


Being an example can seem burdensome, but it can also be a very good thing. I can remember as a young mother going through a few months of a bed-ridden illness. It was so depressing for me, not only because of the pain I was in, but because I couldn't take care of my own young daughters and their needs at the time. Thankfully, extended family and friends stepped in and helped my husband to take care of them.While I was recovering from the illness, I can remember making the decision to be brave and thankful through it all with the Lord's help ofcourse! I made this decision, not so much for myself, but the bottom line was that I wanted my daughters to have a good example to look back on incase they ever found themselves in a similar situation in life. Desiring to be a positive example to them, resulted in helping me through my own pain. When they were in high school, they both wrote essays about this time and the positive things it had taught them. This once again made me realize how important it is to remember that we are living examples to someone, no matter who we are!


Is there someone in your life that has been a good example to you? Perhaps a parent, grandparent, friend, teacher, mentor or coach?  I would love to hear how this person was an example for you. Please oh please, leave me a COMMENT about it.   This week, why don't you give that person a call or send them a note and thank them.  Thank them for choosing to be that good example, even though it may have been the tougher thing to choose.

Tomorrow, I am going to be intentional about spreading good manners while driving in traffic! 

Have a great week and keep smiling!
Lee Ann

Scroll down first to bottom of page and mute my music so you can watch and listen to this video.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Do you have a song!  Do you have words that you love to hear over and over with music put to them? Is it special to you because you share this song with someone you love?


My granddaughter and I share a song that I began singing to her as a baby. It's an old song with sweet words, and she loves to hear me sing it as I'm rocking her to sleep. To make it extra special, I add her very own name into the lyrics, and this causes her to giggle and want more and more. Before she was born, I intentionaly looked for a song that I could share with just her, to make her feel special.  It makes me feel very special too, when I get to look into her pretty blue eyes and kiss her sweet little cheeks as I sing to her.


My granddaughter, Ella is three years old now. I don't get to see her often since they live six hours away, but after after a telephone conversation I had with her mommy a few months back, I was reminded that my plan for a  "special song bond" worked.  My daughter told me that she decided to sing this same song to Ella while rocking her to sleep one evening and was quickly interrupted with "no mommy, that's grandma's song!" Ofcourse, I'd be fibbing if I didn't tell you that inside this grandmother, I was shouting Yeahhhhhh!  Ella's interrupted confirmation made me feel very special myself.

This made me think about how my Heavenly Father loves me.  It's hard to believe, but God loves us even more than the love we have for our spouse, children or grandchildren. That is almost unimaginable to me! How could there be a greater love, but there is. God loves us so much that he sent His only son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross in place of our sins, so that we could spend eternal life with Him in heaven. All He asks of us is that we believe in Him and that we repent of our sins and accept His free gift of eternal life.


"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
John 3:16

This week, my prayer for you is that you make Jesus Christ your personal Saviour, if you have not already done so. If you do this, I would love for you to email me and tell me all about it or if you have any questions contact me at leeannisafriend@gmail.com

Another thing for you to do this week is to pay special attention to the everyday blessings God has planned just for YOU. Just like I planned a song for my granddaughter and I to share as a bond together, God has something special planned just for you this week that will bond you and Him even closer together. Be on the watch! It might just be an answer to a prayer you've been praying for, or an opportunity that fits with your gifts and talents, or that new energy pick-me-up you received on that walk through his beautiful nature, or a song you hear that you know God had played just for you. etc..... God Has Something Planned For YOU because He loves you beyond description.........


Remember to leave me a comment and tell me all the wonderful things God is doing for you this week.

May your song be a sweet one,

Lee Ann

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Honey!

A Big Happy Happy Birthday to my husband Scott today!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Go For It !

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do then by the ones you did.  So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the tradewinds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."   
Mark Twain
Are you feeling stuck lately?  Is your life so busy with the things that have to be done that you are feeling exhausted and unfulfilled?  Many of us have alot on our plates.  Maybe you are a mother taking care of your littles ones, or working overtime to get that big project at work finished before the deadline. Or taking those extra college classes and working fulltime etc...
I've felt this way many times over different seasons in my life. If you are like me, it is easy to do do do for others but forget to take time to refresh your own spirit. Or you may feel guilty taking time for yourself.
"God has given each of you some special abilities, be sure to use them to help each other, passing on to others God's many kinds of blessings."
1 Peter 4:10 (LB)
God has given to each of us, our own unique gifts and talents. Yes, that means you too!  You are His unique creation and you were designed for a purpose.  There is no one else like you.  Even if it's just 5 minutes a day, God is waiting to energize you.  He will do this through His word and prayer, and He also wants to energize you through that unique gift or talent that He created in you. 
So no matter how busy you are this week, make it a goal to spend time with Him in doing that special thing only you can do so well. It might be encouraging someone else through a written note, or getting started on painting that picture, or taking time to teach someone to read etc....  It may seem small to you, but it is Big to God!  I promise that you will feel energized if you Just Do It!
Have a wonderful week,
Lee Ann

Saturday, September 12, 2009


I am so excited!  I just found out that I won the "custom blog design" giveaway at

Please go and check out their site.
So be watching for a great new look coming soon here at encouragement-is-contagious.blogspot.com

Thursday, September 10, 2009

You Are My Sunshine

Do you remember, or have you heard, the old song:

Well, these two little sweethearts bring me soooo much sunshine! They are my two beautiful grandchildren, Ella and Ezra. Just seeing their smiling faces brightens my day in a huge way.

As an adult, out in the everyday world, I can forget sometimes that my facial expressions are saying things to others, even when I'm unaware of it.  I'm a big one for observing body language when I am talking to someone.  It's one way we can tell if others are understanding what we are meaning to say to them.  (and vice versa)

"Of all the things you wear, your expression is the most important."            

"Our attitude always tells others what we expect in return."    John Mason
So tomorrow and the rest of this week, decide before you get out of bed what expression you are going to wear that day.  Is it going to spread SUNSHINE, and add some value and joy to others?  Or will you choose to be the grouch with the unwelcoming expression that says "stay away from me!" Ask God to use your expressions to magnify Him.  I promise you that He will deliver.

"You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy, at Your right hand there are pleasures forevermore."...Psalms 16:11
Blessings and Smiles,
Lee Ann