"One day at a time--this is enough. Do not look back and grieve over the past for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful it will be worth remembering."

Ida Scott Taylor

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Arranging Pieces

Just doodle dee doing for some fun using
colored pencils and ink.  It's nothing fancy but
doodling sure produces some good therapy!
Don't you agree?

What about your wishes?  Are they
just something you dream about
or are you now,
living and working towards them
to make them come true?

For me, I have to be
accountable and check in with
and the goals I've set
every now and then, or
I can get stuck in a rut and
lay dormant instead of continuing to bloom.
Do you have to do that with yourself?

“Arrange whatever pieces come your way”  ……Virginia Wooolf

our days can throw curve balls at us
and totally throw us off and
that is when we need to relax
through it and just 
arrange whatever pieces come our way.

I've had to learn
and am still learning how
to be more flexible. 
Especially when it comes to being more flexible 
with myself!

Being a firstborn, I have
a tendency, like most firstborns do, 
to be a little too hard on myself
because of wanting  or thinking I must
be perfect at what I do and
even sometimes with who I am.

That is just too much pressure to put on yourself!

Don't you find it so refreshing,
knowing you have the ability to arrange or
rearrange any unexpected pieces
that come your way?
And sometimes those unexpected pieces
turn out to be great blessings in disguise.

I LOVE it when that happens!

Because  you  are  my help,
I sing in the shadow of your wings.”

  Psalm 63:7

Talk about a huge piece thrown at you
that rearranges life.
I hope you won't mind if I share a personal story
of how my grandparents 
arranged the pieces that came their way.

My grandparents raised me and my siblings.
They took us into their home to raise when I was
11 years old and my 3 siblings were 
even younger than me.

I will forever be grateful
to them for their sacrifice and great love.

After my grandfather died at age 72,
when I was a young adult,
I remember telling my grandmother
that I was sorry that they 
gave up getting together with their friends
because of the time it took to raise us when they
were in their 50's and 60's.

I was sad now that
grandpa was gone and grandma
didn't have
close girlfriends anymore.

I knew raising us was a piece given to them
that they were not expecting during that
middle age time in their lives.

You know what she said to me?  I will never forget
her gracious and loving words.

She said, "Oh honey, don't you think that way at all."
"You kids added so much joy to our lives."
Before you lived with us, we worried all of the time
about you and if you were okay, but when you came to
live with us, we didn't worry anymore!"

My grandparents lived out 
"arranging the pieces that come your way."

And the blessings from it
changed my life.

Here is a photo my brother just recently found of my 
grandfather and my two daughters and my niece.
I'm not kidding when I say,
"He was the most fun grandpa and great -grandpa ever!"

You know what?  
I bet we could exchange
pieces and make them work if
 the pieces that come your way this week
do not fit.
Let me know if this happens
and we will have a pieces party!!!!   


Nana's Nuggets said...

HI! LeeAnn, I loved this post, and never thought of life this way, "Arranging the pieces"! Love it!, and that pic was beautiful! Girl you have a glorious talent:). Have a great Thursday.

Jennifer Richardson said...

What a beautiful story, LeeAnn!
Grandparents can be such
a gift!
What a legacy they built.
I love the idea
of arranging the pieces
as they come.
I can so so relate.
THANK you for the encouragement
you bring
and are:)
Love and big hugs,

Chris Graham said...

Lee Ann,
I love "visuals" to help us on the path of life. What a wonderful picture of God placing our pieces in place each and every day. Each of our puzzles are unique and custom made.I love it!! Have a wonderful day.

Bren Graham Thebeau said...

Ah LeeAnn the story about your Grandparents is priceless and inspiring. Thank you for being so open and real about your life, for the wisdom you've gained along the way encourages the rest of us.

Me and Bis said...

Wow! I never quite thought of it that way either, but then again life is like a puzzle. It is really hard arranging those pieces too sometimes. Love the quote by Virginia Woolfe, I will have to remember it often. Your doodling is so vibrant and beautiful, doesn't look simple. But even so, simple is good. Just beautiful... doodling, post and all...thanks for sharing today!!!

GardenOfDaisies said...

Your grandparents were amazing and lovely people. It sounds like you had the best role models in the world!! Life does have a way of rearranging things for us, so the earlier we learn to roll with the changes, the better things go. I am the sort of person who likes to organize things, so when things don't go according to my plan, or even plan B, it's hard for me. But I am slowly learning how to be more flexible.

Farmgirl Paints said...

definitely waiting for the pieces to all fall into place. the waiting is the hard part right? i've missed you:) sweet old picture.

Janettessage.blogspot.com said...

Great post...kinda like putting the pieces back on the potato head...you can make something new of what is thrown at your feet.

Love the story on your grandparents...and since I am a mother of a five year old at age 50 and hubby 57 this is an encouragement to me in parenting...I too wouldn't change a thing, even if we never have a very long empty nest life.

Great encouragement...as always

Martha Lever said...

Thank you so much Lee Ann for your sweet comment. I love that quote by Virginia Wolf about arrange the pieces of our life!

Tricia said...

What a nice post Lee Ann. I loved the little bits about your grandparents. I'm still waiting for things to come together...sometimes I feel like I'm too busy to make it happen. Hope you're doing well :)

Hugs ♥ Tricia

Elizabeth said...

Life, fate, destiny, God, however it is that you believe your life was mapped out, trust that arranging and rearranging is all a great part of it.

What a tender memory, a Good Memory you shared with all of us today. Thank you.