Doesn't he look like he would be
a lot of fun to hang out with? Something
in his eyes tell me he knows
how to enjoy his day to the fullest.(one of my very first watercolors)
Life has been bringing a lot of changes in
my part of life over the past few weeks.
(actually over the past few months)
Soon I will take the time to
share more about it with YOU.
But for tonight, I thought I would remind
myself and let you in on the reminder also to
Seize The Day!
Live life to the fullest!
Use whatever you've been given and
Seize The Day!
Found this song and really enjoyed the message.
Hope you will too.
Please go to my sidebar and mute my music player so you can
enjoy this video.
enjoy this video.
What does it mean to you to Seize the Day?
You can have more than one answer.
I have many, mostly because
I love variety.
One of my most favorite is spending
time with family and friends.
Would love to hear what some of
your favorite
seizing the day things are.
Please share. Pretty please share!
YOU, my friend,
make my day more special.
Really YOU do!