"One day at a time--this is enough. Do not look back and grieve over the past for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful it will be worth remembering."

Ida Scott Taylor

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

To Be Brave Like We Were As Children

Isn't this quote so true?

All I have to do is to think back to when
I was that dare-devil of a little kiddo, 
who loved
 new adventures and trying new
things without giving it a second thought.
We dreamed and imagined
and it brought so much joy and 
hope to our futures.
We knew without a doubt that if
we could imagine it, then we 
would surely make it happen one day.

“Your imagination is your preview
 to life’s coming attraction."
 ~Albert Einstein

Imagination is the road less taken,
 but it is the pathway of prayer.
 Prayer and imagination
 are directly proportional: the more you pray the bigger 
your imagination becomes because
 the Holy Spirit super-sizes it with God-sized dreams.” 

Mark Batterson - The Circle Maker

Somehow along the way as we are growing up,
we lose some of that bravery that we were created to have.  
The kind of bravery it takes to
 dream and imagine,
even when others tell you it's 
not possible.  Or maybe you've 
gone through many trials in your life
that have really gotten you down
and now you find yourself
believing the lie
which tells you that imagining and dreaming 
 is only for children 
and can no longer be for you.

 but Jesus called to the people.
  Let the little children come to Me. Never hinder them!
  Don’t you realize—the kingdom of God belongs to those who are like children? "    

 Luke 18:16 (The Voice version)


 Found this following quoted portion from a  devotional 

"What does that mean – to become childlike? Think about a toddler (a child one to three years of age) – they approach authority figures without pride. They ask questions – lots of question. Small children recognize that just about everything they need to accomplish will require assistance and they are resolved to that fact. They accept guidance and even grasp for hands to help them get where they want to go. They tell the truth, if not with words, with their eyes and body language. Children want to please and are remorseful when they make mistakes. Children are openly affectionate and seek comfort when they are hurt or sad. They seek refuge when they are afraid. They have a sense of wonder that is not tainted by experience.

That is who God wants us to be when we come to Him."
To read more click :


It really would be amazing to find
out what WE could do in our lives if we
would trust again, believe again, dream again,
go for a new adventure with no fear again, and quit "over thinking it" again...... like we did 
when we were children.....

It's possible, for all of us you know,
to be childlike... 
because God said so!
It's what He said we must do.

NO more over-thinking it, okay?
Or at least,  let's try not over-thinking it all of the time!
(wink- wink.....from one over-thinker to another)

I believe we can do it!

 Have a wonderful Easter
celebrating His awesome love
for you...

1000 Gifts List continued.......

641.  Our age 3 grandson's need to call us just to say he made us a paper airplane.
          (that childlike sense of wonder that is so special)

642.  Finding a great deal on another vehicle after my husband's wreck..and he is 
         so excited because he finally has his "manly man truck"!! 

643.  Cinnamon Fire Jolly Ranchers!! YUM

644.  An Olive Garden date with my hubby! (he surprised me)

645.  That I can face life chaos with assurance because of my loving BIG GOD     


Bren Graham Thebeau said...

It would indeed be wonderful to dream that freely once again. Great post LeeAnn
Happy Easter to you and yours!

Nancy said...

It's so good to visit with you...I miss you and your encouraging posts and today is another example of your generous spirit in words...

I really needed to hear this today as sometimes I think I am loosing my "brave spirit" and need to be reminded that it is a word for lifetime not just childhood....

I hope your Easter is blessed beyond measure.....

Jennifer Richardson said...

i'm doing cartwheels inside
over this perfectly delicious post!
juicy and ripe and dribbling with goodness, i'm taking it in
and marking it to come again and
sip and soak.
i just can't thank you enough
for taking the time
to put this wonderfulness together
for us!
thanks, dear LeeAnn:)
such a sweet flowing stream
you are.

bluecottonmemory said...

There certainly are enough people telling you you cannot reach your dream - aren't there! I have had to fight for the belief in my dreams - all the way. Now I'm letting Him do the fighting and me do the believing:)
Wishing you a blessed Resurrection Sunday! Thank you for this encouragement!

Anonymous said...

Indeed it is possible for us to be childlike, my friend. I believe in it so much that I made it my blog's motto.
Thank you for the reminder and the beautiful inspiring words. It's always good to visit with you, Lee Ann...and thank you for stopping by the shop. I hope you had a lovely Easter.
Your sister in Christ :)

Kaitlin@Homemaker Design said...

Phew - not over-thinking things is a real challenge for me! I liked that first quote a lot!!

I have nominated your for a Liebster award. I hope you accept! Go to my post here (http://www.homemakerdesign.ca/2013/04/id-like-to-thank-acadamy.html) for the rules and specifications – below are my eleven questions for you to answer. I look forward to your responses.
1. Why do you love living where you do?
2. Quilt, comforter or duvet?
3. What is your cooking style? And your favourite ‘recipe’?
4. Coffee or tea – and how do you take it?
5. What kind(s) of music do you enjoy?
6. Company calls – they’ll be there in 20 minutes – what do you do?
7. What is one skill, which you do not possess, that you admire in others?
8. You have a free afternoon – no hubby, no kids, no responsibilities- how do you spend it?
9. What is your favourite piece of furniture that you own and why?
10. Current reading material?
11. What is your go-to scripture verse?

Kristin said...

SO lovely! Thank you for your visit and for this beautiful inspiration!! xoxo

Tina said...

Oh, a new prayer is to renew that childlike faith and freedom daily. Great post. Thanks for your post about our latest move. We were given and blessed with an opportunity and we are going for it.
Blessings to you, T